You asked, so here is it, the photography podcast we’ve all been waiting for!

When I was just getting started in photography, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing.
No idea at all most days.
I used to spend hours reaching out to photographers I admired asking for small pieces of advice, like:
“How do I send an invoice?”
“What do I include in a proposal?”
“What’s a call sheet?”
I had no one with experience to ask for help, and since no one would respond, I dreamed of having a community to lean on.
I will never forget when a photographer I looked up to for the longest time (& still do) actually responded to one of my messages, she said to go after photography if it’s what I wanted, and to remember that learning the technical side of things was SO important. She said that I needed to learn from the experts if I really wanted to make it and that I should stop trying to teach myself.
That little response — from someone I can guarantee you has NO memory of it — changed the trajectory of my entire life because I did exactly what she said.
When we open ourselves up to community, to growth, to connection, something so small can change everything.
I know how lonely it feels in the beginning, I know how isolating it is when you don’t feel like you have anyone to lean on, and I know how hard it is when you don’t know the answers.
But, guess what? I also know how life changing it is when you don’t feel alone anymore, when you feel like you have people to lean on, and when you realize you it’s ok to ask for help.
I know, because I’ve seen it in my life
And as of today, I hope I can be a voice in your ear weekly that makes you feel less alone, that shows you you have someone to lean on, and that gives you the extra push you need to believe in yourself and take action.
The Photographer’s Podcast is LIVE!
The Photography Podcast I’ve been dreaming of creating for so long.
And we have 3 episodes ready for you to binge like Netflix. (I’ll bring the popcorn and sour straws)
In Episode 1
I’m sharing my story with you — the real, raw one — from the earliest days of my life, what inspired me to become a photographer, all the way to starting Horizon Found (and this podcast)! Let’s get deep. 🤿
Episode 2
is for anyone who’s in a constant battle with comparison on social media. I’m sharing my tips for letting go of comparison so you stand out as the beautiful person you really are. If you feel you’re falling behind, this ones for you. 📱
Episode 3
is a come-back-to-forever kind of mini episode for every time you need a confidence boost 💗 Whether it’s before a big shoot, in the middle of a beast editing sesh, or on a bad day where you just need an extra boost. This episode will lift you up and remind you that you got this!
Listen on Apple Podcasts here.
And, let me just say… This photography podcast friends It was created for YOU.
For each and everyone of you, beautiful photographers who have inspired me, who have taught me the power of community, and who make me SO proud every time I see you push yourself outside your comfort zone and go after what you want.
I’m so grateful for you.
I can’t wait to provide another place for you to get inspiration, motivation, and a dose of love every single week.
From now on, you’ll get a new episode each and every single week (!!!), and if you have ANY suggestions for episode topics (or anything, really), respond below
P.S., If you love the podcast — please let us know! A review means so much! AND if you have photographers in your life who you feel could benefit from some weekly photography inspiration feel free to share this with your friends and your community too!
*here’s to trying new things 🤞🎙*