
Wanna be a Full Time Photographer? Start here


Nicole Hill


Photography does not have to be your full-time job for you to be an AMAZING photographer.

And we have to stop acting like ONLY full-time photographers with full-frame cameras are the ones killin’ it. Because that’s 100% ~not~ the truth.

Now, can you be a full-time photographer and be super dang proud of yourself? Well, hell yes you can.

Can you be a part-time photographer, with a crop sensor camera while also being a full-time mom/teacher/account manager/graphic designer/retail babe and be super dang proud of yourself? Well, hell yes you can.

Being a part time photographer doesn’t make you any less talented or amazing or wonderful.And, at the same time, being a full-time photographer doesn’t make you any more talented or amazing or wonderful.

Why? Because everyone is different. Every situation is different. And I’m a waaaaay bigger fan of letting passion fuel you than I am letting made up timelines or expectations fuel you.

So, if you’re a part-time photographer building your empire and making things happen on the side, I want you to remember that you’re a *badass.*

And, if you’re a full-time photographer building your empire and making things happen on the daily, I want you to remember that you’re a badass, too.

All that matters is that all of us are fearlessly, passionately chasing our dreams and following those passions that sparked in us.There’s no blueprint for success, there’s no timeline for building a business, and there’s no award for making it to full-time first.There’s just you. And how you feel about yourself, your work, and what you’re doing.

You *have* to trust the timing of your life.

It took me 3 full years of rocking the side-hustle life before I took my business full-time, and I’ve had many incredible students in TPP who have been able to take their businesses full-time in under a year. (!!!)So if you’re a photographer who feels stuck in the side-hustle right now but wants to go full-time, you HAVE the time to get there.

If you want to become a full-time professional photographer, I *know* you can do it.

But I know sometimes getting there feels impossible. 

You have a life, you have responsibilities, you have your 9-5 job, and on top of that you’re supposed to survive AND build a side hustle that will one day take you full time?! How is that even possible?

That question is exactly why I created today’s Podcast Episode.

I want you to remember — everything you dream of is waiting for you to reach out and grab it. You just have to put in that extra effort to get there, and today I am sharing tips that can help you get there.It might seem hard now but you CAN do this, I know it.

Listen here on Apple Podcasts
Listen here on Spotify

*Here’s to creating the lives that we actually WANT to live*


Your step-by-step guide to discovering who you’re meant to be as a photographer, mastering the technical skills to prepare you for a lasting professional career, and building your portfolio to win the clients you dream about.


The Photographer's Path


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I've spent the last decade of my life traveling the world as a fashion photographer and I created Horizon Found to give you everything I wish I had when I was starting my career. Here you'll find community, inspiration, and education - to help guide you down the path towards building the photography business of your dreams. My dream is to use this platform to help build a supportive environment in the photography industry.


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