If this post’s subject line gave you instant anxiety, I’m thinking you miiiiight be familiar with the term “overshooter”…
…And if you have NO idea what I’m talking about, overshooting is the idea that a photographer takes WAY TOO MANY photos at their shoot—they overdo it—hence the clever name.
It’s a term a lot of photographers use like it’s a swear word…
In fact, if you google overshooting, you see all these articles with titles like, “Why You Should Stop Overshooting” and “How to Stop Overshooting”. For the life of me, I don’t understand where this fascination (and bogus way of thinking) came from.
As a photographer dedicated to telling the most beautiful stories possible, it’s essential that you know this.
Overshooting is … a … MYTH!
Who the HECK got the idea that there should be a limit to how many photos you can take during a shoot? WHO decided that the people who take 200 photos are more talented than the people who take 2,000?
I think I know, and in today’s podcast episode I’m sharing the REAL reason photographer’s worry about “overshooting” (and it has nothing to do with the amount of photos you take).
*To shooting, shooting some more, and a little more after that*